HomeDivorce Counseling in Austin, TX

Determining if you should try to work things out or call a quits is no easy decision. There are many variables to consider. My hope in working with you is to help you navigate the next step.

My approach to
Discernment Therapy in Austin, TX

Determining if you should try to work things out or call it quits is no easy decision. There are many variables to consider. My hope in working with you is to help you navigate the next step. Has your relationship been stuck for a long time? Does couples therapy and working on the relationship feel like too much pressure on you right now?

For couples that are married and are considering divorce or couples in a longterm relationship considering separating, discernment therapy might be the best starting point for you. Discernment therapy differs from couples therapy in that the goal is to create clarity and an understanding of the relationship up until this point, and not on processing and changing the relationship as in couples therapy.

As a client, discernment therapy will feel different to you than couples therapy because discernment therapy is more geared towards individual understanding in order to create the confidence necessary to decide if you would like to work on the relationship and proceed to couples therapy or not.

Create the space you need for clarity

Discernment therapy for couples considering divorce is not about picking sides or throwing blame. It's about creating the space to understand each other and decide on how to move forward.

Create Clear Pathways Forward

Create the confidence necessary to decide if you would like to work on the relationship and proceed to couples therapy or not.

A 30,000-foot View

It can be hard to see what's right in front of you until you take on a larger perspective. Discernment therapy is all about finding that larger perspective and understanding.
Create the space you need for clarity
Discernment therapy for couples considering divorce is not about picking sides or throwing blame. It's about creating the space to understand each other and decide on how to move forward.
Clear Pathways Forward
Create the confidence necessary to decide if you would like to work on the relationship and proceed to couples therapy or not.
A 30,000-foot View
It can be hard to see what's right in front of you until you take on a larger perspective. Discernment therapy is all about finding that larger perspective and understanding.

Discernment Therapy & Divorce Counseling

If you do not feel comfortable coming to therapy with your partner or your partner is unwilling to meet with a therapist, please know that I offer therapy to individuals going through this process as well.

For more information on discernment therapy click here.

Set your appointment

Whether you still have questions or are ready to make an appointment, I'd love to chat with you on the phone.
4131 Spicewood Springs Road, Bldg. C Suite 8 Austin, TX, 78759

Recommended Reading
for you and your loved ones

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Alex Barnette Counseling



4131 Spicewood Springs Road, Bldg. C Suite 8 Austin, TX, 78759, United States.




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